Sunday, September 02, 2007

September??? How did it get to be September???

So here we are, September! Time for me to go back to work and enjoy another year educating our nations' youth! I love my job, I love teaching. I just hate getting up for work everyday! Gone are the days of hard indecision...such as should I go to the gym now or after lunch? Should I take the children to the pool or just turn on the hose? Oh well, all good things must end sometime.

I leave you with some pictures from my pretty new calendar. This is the calendar I hang in my classroom. Its fairly small, 6x12. I love making these things!


Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Oh I love it! I am trying to think of ideas to start making for Christmas gifts for the grandparents....I think a cute little calendar like this would be cool.....thanks for the idea....

Unknown said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I got that same ribbon!!! And two $8 scrapbooks that look like pink leather Pottery Barn ones!!! Last week...oh! And a big pad of the background paper things (can you tell I'm a big scrapbooker?)!!!

I'm way too excited over the deals that I got there...really..truly...I am.